Easter morning dawned as a glorious spring day in our little corner of AL. Don went to Sunrise Services and breakfast at church and Ian and I joined him for Worship services at 9:30. Such an inspiring message by our pastor today…one of the best Easter messages I think I’ve ever heard. Then home to finish my devilled eggs and to pick up the baskets and such for the kids, then off to Pop’s. The family all gathered there today and Joy had prepared a delicious meal. She always does a fantastic job. I do love my sweet sister. She has such a giving heart. We all enjoyed the meal and the kids played and hunted eggs…well, John Thomas did…Levi tried to eat them! And the big boys got out of hand and began tossing the eggs and catching the eggs and missing the eggs and smashing the eggs…on the porch! Yuck! Boys don’t ever completely grow up!
Here are pictures I took..even though someone complained about me taking them. Doesn’t bother me…I like to have them and share them. We missed Tommy today. But, he needed rest after doing battle with a kidney stone this week and finally resorting to medical intervention. We missed Alex as well. He was not feeling well enough to be up. How my heart of hearts longs for the day he can join us in family gatherings.
AFTER CHURCH…in my yard
We all went our separate ways…to our own homes. Don’t know about anyone else…but I had a delicious afternoon nap! What a treat! Prayers please as our sweet Tara undergoes maxillofacial surgery in Birmingham this week. God bless you all on this special day. And a prayer of thanks for blessings too many to list.
That sweet boy who was born into our lives just a little over a year ago has officially celebrated the momentous occasion of his first birthday! And, what a party we had! Attended by most of the family, we ate hot dogs with great fixins and opened presents and sang and had cake and played and laughed and added another sweet memory to our family book.
Oh what fun! Suzanne had planned a baseball themed party and Levi was dressed to fit the bill.
The table had his cute cake, various baseball hats, baseballs, big buckets of peanuts, cookies, chips and all sorts of goodies to coax a big appetite!
Before we ate, we had a sweet blessing of thanks by Pop. What a priviledge it is to stand in a circle holding hands with the ones you love the most! We feel so blessed…and thankful. Here is our sweet Pop, followed by Levi’s Granddaddy Owens and Papa Horn. And, sweet hugs by Levi’s Mia and Lulu. Also attending were Aunt Tara, Aunt Lori, Uncle Ben, and great aunt Joy.
Our eldest ‘little’, John Thomas, came in toting a big package, which was quickly forgotten when he saw Levi’s toys spread across the den floor. So much to explore. The boys were happy to see each other and played well together. Levi was having such a good time he was just dancing across the floor!
After all the guests arrived, Suzanne served us a hot dog lunch, complete with all the great fixing! Then she changed Levi into another baseball shirt, and put him in his high chair. She said something about ‘cake.’ But, poor Levi didn’t know what that was. Besides, she was taking waaaaaaay too long!
“Finally, here she comes! I don’t even know what cake is…I usually just get beans and carrots! It sure looks yummy, though…and just like my baseball, too! LOOK OUT! it’s on fire! Whew! she blew it out.”
“You mean I get the whole thing? Aren’t you afraid I’ll choke or something? I’ll be careful. What’s this green and blue stuff? YUM! I like this!”
“This stuff is good! Now that I’m one, do I get to have cake everyday?” (Sometimes too much of a good thing can be too much!)
And after all the cake got cleaned up…from the boy and the table…the big cake was cut and the rest of the party got to see just how good it was. We agreed with Levi…but we ate a little neater!
Then, it was present time! Levi wasn’t quite sure what to do, but caught on quite quickly when his daddy showed him the ropes…or the ribbon.
“I got a wheel ! What does it go with?”
“Levi! Levi! Wait! You don’t know how to ride yet. Let me show you how!”
“Well, I know how to ride this boat!”
“Uncle Ian, am I supposed to eat this stuff?
“Maybe I’m ‘spose to wear them! Yeah! that’s what they’re for! Wait till I figure out these shade glasses and then I’ll really look cool!”
And, after a little ‘tummy time’ with Granddaddy, the party came to an end. Hugs and kisses all around, we went our separate ways. Paper and ribbons strewn across the floor, Levi was content in Mommy’s arms with an armful of ribbons to chew on.
And, as I looked at the pictures I had made after I returned home, I was reminded of how thankful I should be. What a wonderful son Adam is, and such a sweet and caring father to Levi.
He is one of those ‘hands-on’ dads, and that makes me very happy. A very wise father he is, as well. He married the perfect girl to be his wife and mother to his children. What a sweet family they make. And, they are blessed with an available extended family to make sure they are doing it right….(Just kidding) We are blessed. We “praise God, from whom all blessings flow…”.
I went out to do some errands today, and stopped in at Michael’s before I went home. I wanted to make a bracelet and needed a few supplies. I had some red coral beads, but since I don’t make jewelry much anymore, I didn’t have all I needed. I had already made two stops and this was the last thing on my list. My back was hurting and my feet were hurting and I was hungry. Not the best of moods to go shopping in! But, the jewelry findings were near the door and I intended to make quick work of this stop.
But, things have a way of going off the planned path at times…and it seems to happen more often than not with me!
I heard her before I saw her…
VOICE…“Coy, Coy, COY! You ain’t listening to me. I said I’d call you when I got finished and that’s what I’m gonna do. ~~~~~~~
No. I ain’t even half through. You know it takes me longer now. ~~~~~~~ I’m going fast as I can. Now go git ya a pizza or something” She was on a cell phone.
[Talking to her self] “That fool man ain’t right. He ain’t right and I’m telling you all here in this store, HE AIN’T RIGHT! [She yelled that last sentence!]
And, as I rounded the findings aisle…I saw her. [I write this description simply as information and in no way as a judgement. I certainly don’t know know any of her backstory. And many times circumstances dictate the way we look and feel and we may not like it but …it happens] So, I saw her there in the midst of the aisle…blocking it with her wheelchair. She was only half in it…the other half hung over either side…bless her heart. Remember, no finger pointing here…but, she was a larger sized lady. She had a 2 Liter Mountain Dew in one hand and the other was used to try and roll the wheelchair. It was hard for her to move it with both feet on the ground. And a large cylinder of oxygen hung from one side. It kept falling on the floor, but I never saw her using it. She was muttering and talking out loud and actually, I thought she must have had someone else shopping with her. But no…she just needed to talk and it didn’t mat who listened. “I don’t know why they don’t have teachers round here to teach you how to do this jewel making. Makes me mad, it does. How do I know what to do?”
The she backed up and saw me, went back, and then turned around. UH! OH! she spied me and she headed my way.
WOMAN: ” Are you the teacher? You look like you know what you’re looking for.” Ha! I hardly ever know what I’m doing…I tend to make it up as I go along!
T: ” I just know a little about it. But, I’m not the teacher. “ At this point, I knew I was trapped and there was no way I was going to get out of this section, much less this store, without talking to her.
And I felt guilty just as soon as I started thinking of how I could get away. Because, God has lain on my heart that I need to realize that the people He puts in my path are the ones He wants me to make a difference to. Because, I may be the only witness they ever see or the only kindness they ever feel. And, I have really tried to be mindful of that. I was reminded of the promises I made. And, I was ashamed of myself, because even though I was hungry and had a backache and crying feet, she was in a wheel chair.
WOMAN: ” Well, I know what I want to do, but I just can’t figure out how…see I got these stones and they came from my daughter. She lives in NC, ‘Cept she did manage to find time to come help me during these operations. She shoulda stayed and took care of me longer, but she left, and me and Coy had to do it all. If you can believe that! She’ll call, but she don’t wanna be bothered really. Coy’s mad at her. But, she’s got 4 young’uns…what can she do? Coy did allright…for an old man.”
T: “What is it you are wanting to do with your stones?” I really didn’t want to ask about her ‘operations’.
Woman: “I got 6 of ’em and they is really pretty, too. I wanna wrap ’em in wire like this.” (she showed me a package that had a stone wrapped in silver wire) And, I want to make me a necklace with 4 and then make earrings with 2 of them. But how can I string them together? They don’t have holes in them…and I don’t know how to connect them together. It’s just a puzzle to me.”
T: “You need to go up to the register and ask them about classes. Maybe they have one for jewelry making.”
WOMAN: “I done did that. It was last week. How do you like that? I missed it. MISSED IT BY ONE WEEK! I was in the hospital having that surgery last week, so I couldn’t make it.”
T: “Wow, you were in the hospital last week and you’re out and about today? You must be doing well.”
WOMAN: “Honey, you just don’t know my husband, his name is Coy. If he was taking care of you…you’d be getting away, too.”
T: I laughed…“Well, most men are like that, I think. They just don’t know what to do when someone is sick.”
WOMAN: “Coy just gets in my way and makes it worse. He wants to help, but he just ain’t got it in him!”
T: “Well, it was nice of him to bring you here today.”
WOMAN: “Hey, I been here since 9 this morning. (it was about 3 at that time) I been up and down every aisle and looked at everything they got. I don’t know what to do with it…but I know what they got!”
T: “It’s a treat for me when I can take my time in a store and go up and down the aisles as slow or fast as I want. I guess that’s the way you feel, too.”
WOMAN: “Coy’s always got something for me to do, so I don’t get much time for myself. He wants me right with him mostly.”
T: Well, I hope you get your wire and beads fixed like you want. Maybe you could take them to a jeweler and have them drilled.”
WOMAN: “That would probably cost too much. And, what if they broke them? I’d be too upset.”
T: “I guess you’re right. I think there is a way you can wrap the stones and make connecting links with wire, but I do not know how to do it.”
I wasn’t finding what I need, but spied it hanging further down the aisle…on the other side of her. And, there was no getting past her.
T: “Excuse me just a minute, ma’am. I’m going to go around this next aisle and come around. I need to see those jump rings down there.”
WOMAN: “Ain’t no need for that. I can drive this thing. Give me a minute.” And, she started shuffling her feet, turning with one hand on the wheel. BAM! went the Mountain Dew…then BAM! went the oxygen. (I thought to myself…“This oxygen tank’s gonna explode and I’ll be blown to smithereens and they’ll find pieces of us in paints, and some in jewelry, and some in wood and some in scrapbooking…”) I offered to pick them up for her, but she said she could get them herself. And she hoisted herself up and back in her chair and leaned back with all the strength she had. She reached one and then the other. One went next to her left hip and one next to her right. Then she realized her oxygen cording was tangled through her legs and around her waist.
Again I offered to help, but she said she knew how to get it fixed, and she pulled out a pair of scissors and cut that oxygen cording right in two! Well! That’s one way!
T: “Oh, my. Now what will you do? How will you get your oxygen?” Now, I was having visions of her falling out of the chair, and gasping for breath. I would not be able to do anything, because she didn’t have any cording. And, she would lay there, helpless…and I would not be able to do anything but give her Mountain Dew! “Maybe you should go ahead and give Coy a call to pick you up.”
WOMAN: ” Oh, he’ll be here directly. I just use this stuff when I get winded. I’ll be fine…I got some more cord at home.” I didn’t know if she had forgotten about letting me past her, because she beganpulling beads off the shelves and matching them to each other. “Now, these are just too pretty…don’t they look good together?”
T: “Yes, they really do.”
WOMAN: ” I don’t know how much nothin’ costs here. They ain’t no price tags nowhere.”
So, I showed her how the bags are color coded and where the prices were listed.
WOMAN: “I’m still moveing outta the way. Don’t think I forgot or nothin’.
T: “That’s fine, take your time. I’m in no hurry.” And, I wasn’t anymore. I had decided to let this encounter play out as it would, and see what bit of wisdom I would come away with. I finally got to the jump rings. And she was studying some things on the other side of the aisle.
T: “Let me know if I can reach something for you, “ She thanked me…and the next time I turned around, she had shuffled on out of sight. Thinking she was gone, I began to make my way to the checkout. BAM! I heard the oxygen hit the floor again. I prayed to get out of that store in one piece! Then, she came around the end of another aisle near the checkout…as if she had been waiting for me.
WOMAN: “I just got to thinking about something my preacher said at church one time. We are ‘sposed to be ready to talk to everyone we meet. Cause sometimes God lets people get in our way just so we can talk to them. You just never know when someone needs you for one thing or another. I was just thinking about that.”
And, she went shuffled on past me before I could answer her… down the aisle she was on and I went on to the checkout. I was waiting in line behind 5 other customers and (like everywhere in this town) only one register was open and yet they had 4 of them! But as I waited, what she said began tugging at me, and I wondered if there was something I had failed to notice in my hurry. I wondered if she needed something else and I hadn’t seen it.
I left my place in line and went to look for her where I last saw her. She wasn’t there. I looked around that area and didn’t see her anywhere. She couldn’t have gotten far. I went down the end aisles looking up each one as I passed. I could not possible over look her…so I went to the other side of the store. I could not find her anywhere. I thought of the restroom, but there was a sign on the door: ‘closed for cleaning’. I thought maybe she did go to the classroom they have in store, so I checked there. I didn’t even know what I would say to her if I found her. I didn’t even really know why I was looking for her. She wasn’t in the classroom.
And, I never found her. I asked the one clerk at the register if a lady in a wheelchair had gone by. She said she hadn’t seen ‘nothin’ but people and more people coming up to this register!’ I don’t know where she went. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach. I was kind to her. What had I missed? Or did I miss anything at all? I was kind to her and tried to help her. But, did she sense my hurry or disinterest?
It is hard to resign yourself to the fact that you may have missed out on an opportunity that God had planned specifically for you. I don’t know what else I could have or should have done…but I hope and pray that I don’t forget this experience. We can say we care about people all we want to, but words without actions mean nothing. I hope I helped her in some small way. Maybe she just needed someone one to notice her. I did. And, I won’t soon forget her.
A friend of mine made some pictures at the party and said she’d send them to me… but I think she forgot…and since I have already reminded her twice…I’m gonna let it go. {EDIT: I finally got them today} So, these are just some of the extra pics we made on Saturday. All these ladies are so dear to me, I wanted to share these, too. I’ll start off with Joy. Doesn’t she look pretty? (Amazing how much we favor, isn’t it? 🙂
Here is my sweet Lucy Jane…looking just like a spring flower herself. Danielle is her aunt.
This is Christy, daughter of Rhonda…Danielle, like-a-second-daughter to Rhonda…Kimberly, daughter in law of Rhonda, and Rhonda
This is June. She was such a dear friend of my Mom’s, and to me all the years I can remember. As I am doing Danielle’s wedding, she did my wedding to Don 39 years and 3 months ago. This is one of the people I hold dearest in my heart of hearts.
This is Susanna. We have been friends for a very long time. And, we have wonderful memories of Mission Trips all over the country and the shenanigans that go on after the work is done. She is currently serving as Children’s Ministry Director at another church in town, but will soon be joining her husband in Birmingham. He is a pediatrician there, and their 3 children will all be nearby. Dothan will be a little quieter when she’s all moved in in B’ham…cause wherever Susanna is, there is laughter and nonsense and lots of fun! I do so love this sweet friend. Oh, she’d be mad at me if I didn’t mention that she is a former beauty queen, as well!
Somebody was doing some tickling…..
Joy and Susanna paying close attention to something
And, this is Tina. She is my helper, she is my right hand, she is my partner in crime, and she is the one I can always count on to come to my rescue when I have bitten off more than I can chew….or committed to something I should have had the good sense not to…or have gotten halfway into a project and decide to stop and start another one. She gets me. (AND…she had a birthday yesterday…36, I think).
Trying to figure out exactly what these girls are discussing….interesting body language and expressions…
And, Patty kept trying to escape! Caught her once out on the front porch holding 3 of our guests captive!
Then she posed with her granddaughter, Addison (my sweet Lucy Jane)…
And, then she began pestering Rhonda…
Danielle and her bridesmaids (minus one) were enjoying the beautiful weather out by the pool.
Sweet friends, dear friends, special children, young and on the verge of marriage…loved ones all. Old friends, and friends who took a different path, new friends and friends of friends. Friends whose lives are going just as they wish and friends dealing with problems that have brought them to their knees. Friends with young children and friends whose children are having children of their own. And, friends dealing with children making their way through life on unwise paths. Friends…living the lives that are their own and ours as well…we are all so different and all so alike. I love having them all at my home…not because of the surroundings…because a house is just that…a house. What brings the glow, the warmth, the shine to a home are those who walk the floors and sit on the furniture, and stand at the island. Their laughter ringing throughout fills the air with love and friendship. Their sweet smiles bounce off the walls and land on others. And, when they are all gone…and at last, I sit down and reflect on the day…the air is almost alive with happiness and joy. It lingers…in the house and in my memory. A good day. A happy day. A day of frienship.
You are all familiar with ‘show and tell’ day, from kindergarten, I feel sure. At my former school, this meant to bring something to show and then tell something about it. But, here…the lesson comes first…then the picture.
When I first went to Hawaii, I think I was 15, I bought a big piece of ‘tapa cloth’. And it hung on my wall both at home and at college. But, somewhere between getting married and moving and moving and moving and moving…it got lost. Or someone threw it away…not knowing how special it was. I have always searched for more each time I have been back, but all I could ever find was in galleries and it cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars, or it was made into some silly trinket instead of just the plain cloth. But, when I went last year, I ran across some small pieces that were more reasonably priced and snapped up 3 pieces as quick as I could. I kept those pieces rolled up in tissue paper while we travelled and I made it home with out any creases in them. I then stretched then on canvas. And, they are now very prized possessions.
The Lesson: Tapa cloth (or simply tapa) is a bark cloth made in the islands of the Pacific Ocean, primarily in Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji. It is made from the inner bark of paper mulberry trees or breadfruit trees, and can also be called kapa. It was once of great importance to the islanders, being used for clothing,rugs, blankets, etc. It was even traded with other islands, or given as gifts. It is produced by strip long area of bark, then boiling and separating the fibers.
Then the softened fibers were pounded to make one large piece of cloth.
Several layers of these fibers would be glued together, then allowed to dry. Traditional dyes of black and a rust-brown were used to decorate the cloth…primarily by use of stamps or stencils…with geometrical patterns of the native culture. Each island group had its own special symbols. These are still used today on decorative items, and often are the ‘tribal markings’ you see tattoed around the bicep or calf muscle of brave islanders!
Though strong when dry, tapa cloth would lose its strength when wet and fall apart. Nowadays tapa is still often worn on formal occasions such as weddings and funerals. Another use is as blanket at night, or for room dividers. It is also highly prized for its decorative value and is often found used to hang on the walls as a decoration. It is still used in ceremonial masks, and to wrap sacred objects.
Here are the small pieces that I bought…stretched and hung on the wall leading into our library.
I have had them leaning against the wall in the library, but now that they are hung…I love them even more!
And, if you can recall the story I told you about the ‘picture hanging and paint fiasco’, you will remember it centered around 3 pictures Adam gave us for Christmas. Here are the pics, and their position on our wall. It’s hard to get a good picture of a picture, but I did my best.
The areas around the birds are actually a little lighter than the rest of the picture. I am so happy with these pictures, they truly add to the beauty of the home. (I hope that doesn’t sound boastful. I don’t mean it to be, I just love it here so much.) I am so, so proud of the artistic eye that Adam has, and his ability to put the things he ‘sees in his mind’ onto actual paper. This grouping delights me every time I pass it! Thanks, Adam!
My husband told me one time that he didn’t think I’d ever rest easy until I had knocked holes in all the walls in our house and hung pictures in every blank space available. Well, of course I won’t. What are walls for, after all?
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
"All your sons will be taught by the Lord; and great will be their peace." Isaiah 54:13
Read their stories... Adam Alex Ian
Hello, my name is Everly. I am a blogger living in New York. This is my blog, where I post about interior design and decoration. Never miss out on new stuff.