If you are not a regular reader, you may be thinking there’s some foul play afoot, due to this title. But, no, just one more post before I get back to what I was blogging about before a certain little butterbean made his appearance…4 weeks too early, I might add. Not that I am complaining, mind you…just explaining.
I have been to the hospital today, where the other Owens’ family is camping out. They got some good news last night. There had been some concern as to infection in the blood, but the tests FINALLY came back negative. That’s a very good thing…cause that would have been an additional problem. Also, this fellow likes to eat! The Dr. says that children with the RSV virus usually refuse to eat….but not our boy…his appetite has actually increased! He lost some weight after he came home, but today he is weighing in at a whopping 7 pounds 13 ounces!Isn’t that just wonderful? Isn’t God good! He must be speaking into that sweet bitty ear saying, “Come on, Levi, you can do it! Try another 1/2 ounce!” He’s still sleeping alot. but no more antibiotics, or IV fluids. Today they are trying him with no oxygen. He seemed to be fine while I was there, but we’ll know more when the Dr. visits.
As I entered the hospital room this morning, this is what I saw…
So, I went in for a close up…or two..
…and just to prove he does open his mouth for more than just a bottle…
He stirred and woke and we changed a diaper or two…and then he decided to take another bottle. Which he did. Then, snuggling up close to Mom, his little eyes got very sleepy again. I snapped this on my way out…and tiptoed to the door. (Mom was snoozing by now, too).
And, the sad, sad ending of this tale……I did not get my hands on him…not even once! Oh, well…there’s always tomorrow!
ADDENDUM: I just heard from Suzanne, and Levi is not getting the oxygen he needs. They tried him without it some today, but the Dr. said the levels were too low for him to even consider letting him go home. His levels have got to get higher and stay higher for a while. So, looks like it will probably be on into another week. But, that is nooooooo problem. He is right where he needs to be. Whatever we need to do, we will. How fortunate they are that they have family and friends here to help if need be.
So, we covet your continued prayers as Little Levi continues to rest and grow and get his lungs all strong and healthy. Cause, he’s gonna need good lung power when I teach him to sing all the songs I know! 😮
Well, I told you the grandson may break in on our Hawaiian Tour. And, he is. Bless his sweet little heart…and lungs…he is in the hospital with the RSV virus. On Monday night, Adam noticed the baby was becoming quite grey in color. But, he perked up, and they all went to bed. In a couple of hours, they both got up to change him and give him another bottle (he’s still not able to take but an ounce or 2 at a time). They noticed his coloring and this time Adam had to work at getting him to breathe again. They called the Dr. and were told to go right to the ER. They admitted him, and we found out that he has the RSV Virus. He stopped breathing another 2 times before they got his meds and oxygen going.
Now, I was not really aware of what the RSV virus is, but most younger mothers know about it. So, Let me educate you, a little. Especially since many of you have grandchildren or children or children to come! Following is some info from the CDC Atlanta, GA.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Overview
Respiratory syncytial (sin-SISH-uhl) virus, or RSV, is a respiratory virus that infects the lungs and breathing passages. Most otherwise healthy people recover from RSV infection in 1 to 2 weeks. However, infection can be severe in some people, such as certain infants, young children, and older adults. In fact, RSV is the most common cause of bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways in the lung) and pneumonia in children under 1 year of age in the United States. In addition, RSV is more often being recognized as an important cause of respiratory illness in older adults.
Symptoms and Care
Illness usually begins 4 to 6 days after exposure (range: 2 to 8 days) with a runny nose and decrease in appetite. Coughing, sneezing, and fever typically develop 1 to 3 days later. Wheezing may also occur. In very young infants, irritability, decreased activity, and breathing difficulties may be the only symptoms of infection. Most otherwise healthy infants infected with RSV do not require hospitalization. In most cases, including among those who need to be hospitalized, full recovery from illness occurs in about 1 to 2 weeks.
The doctor told Suzanne that they were so fortunate that they saw him when this happened, or the outcome could have been, sadly, very different. He told her…”It was a God thing.” And, we so agree. They re usually not even up at that time,and for some reason, they both got up. God wanted them to find Little Levi, and get him help…or they would have slept right through.
I wonder just how many times God does that for us? Probably many times during a week. Oh how good He is to us! How could anyone not trust Him with their heart and souls? When we belong to Him, He is watching and caring for us ALL the time. Don’t know about you, but that makes me feel so safe. Thank you, God.
Well, this did not get posted yesterday, as I planned. Little Levi is continuing to do well. The doctor is surprised that he is doing so well taking his bottle. Many times when an infant gets this virus, they lose their appetite. Which is not good since they are usually small anyway. Well, this has not been a problem for our bpy. He is eating well!
I’ll update when we know more. But, for now, he’s hanging in and doing what he is supposed to!
Adam and Suzanne took Levi home on Friday. All was well, and their first night went smoothly. On Saturday, Ian came home from Birmingham and went straight to Levi’s house to play! But, Levi was just too sleepy and didn’t do much playing. He looks so tiny in Ian’s big hands!
Adam had a wedding to shoot on Saturday, but they all visited again when he got home. So Ian got another chance to visit with Butterbean. He’s just about the size of one, don’t ya think?
And, the second night was going as smoothly as the first. Until Suzanne began feeding him in the middle of the night. He began to have much trouble breathing and seemed to be choking and causing his parents much distress. They called the doctor and the nurse told them to take him to the nearest ER. They did, and we got a call. We went, and he seemed to have gotten better by the time we got there. Blood work came back fine. The ER doctor said it was probably just because he is still 4 weeks early and his lungs aren’t completely ready for our world just yet. But, they will be. So, back home and into bed around 4:00. So, so thankful. God is good!
No, I haven’t skipped the country with my new grandson. And, no, I haven’t flown back to Maui and bought a little cottage on the beach. Would I like to do both? Well, what do you think? Anyway, this has been a very hard couple of weeks. First, I have been in lots of pain this week. I am having to rest and stay off my feet quite a bit. I really haven’t even felt like reading or writing. So, that’s the reason I haven’t been commenting…I haven’t been reading. But, I’m not gone…just trying to keep it between the lines!
Don is in Birmingham to be with Ian who had his tonsils out yesterday. He did well until last night. Started bleeding, but was able to get it stopped! Thank you, God! Don will stay with him a few days before heading home. Things are a little different inside his mouth due to his early difficulties…so we are praying he will heal quickly and without incidence.
Levi went in for his one week check up this week. Adam and Suze decided to use the pediatrician that Adam had used and the one who had found his cancer 32 years ago. He said that Levi was a healthy strong little boy…great news for us all. And, the doctors was so glad to see Adam again…one of his early success stories!
I am working with a friend to plan and decorate for a very special wedding coming up this month…with another friend coming to help out also. It will be an honor to decorate and so sweet to be in attendance. More about this in a few weeks.
Wanted to share this pic with you. I didn’t have it when I did the post on the tsunami. We bought these shirts later in the day that it actually hit! Someone got busy, didn’t they? (Patty has one too) And, by the time we left there, we saw 6 or 7 different styles!
I still have several posts to do on our trip to Maui….I’ll try to get them posted before Thanksgiving! 🙂
And, please forgive me for not keeping up with you, my friends who blog. I will get around to it! Promise!
“Yes! the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!” Psalm 126:3 NLT
It’s wonderful…this being a new Grandmother! Especially when the baby is as sweet as Levi! And the mother and father are as great as Adam and Suze! The doctor told her he would still be a little sleepy for a week or so, since he was a month early. But, sleepy or not…he’s the best! Just look at this little smile!
I went to the hospital and stayed for a little while yesterday. Of course, he was so happy to see me! Can’t you tell? 🙂 I stayed for a while and enjoyed her visitors, Tara, John Thomas, Pop, Joy, and the rest of the 3rd grade teachers at her school. Adam was off getting the car seat squared away, and I went to find some other necessities that Suze needed for Levi. I dropped my purchases back by the hospital. Tina was there visiting and enjoying holding that sweet boy. Then Mary and Terry came. I headed home to put my feet up !
He went to his Mommy’s arms for a while, and just snuggled in so happily. He was home!
After all their visitors left, and they had more than I listed, Adam finally had his Sweet wife and New Son all to himself. Out came the camera, and when I looked at FB first thing this morning, this is what I saw. I couldn’t help but post it here as well.
About Me
I am a Christian woman who has survived many years on the planet. God has blessed me with a wonderful family: husband, 3 sons, a dear DIL, and a precious grandson. I also have dear friends to keep me inspired. I am an artist of sorts and am finding my way through the great blessing of retirement. I recently retired after 20 years as a music teacher. Life is good!
My Boys
My Parents

Me & Don


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About Me