OK…I have had about enough of this house building business. WHEN do I get to move in? I do not want to wait anymore…I am tired of waiting. I am tired of living with boxes packed up all around me. I am tired of driving over to look at my new house and then having to drive off and leave it sitting there. It is crying out for a family to inhabit it!
We got word today that it would be around the first of December before we could move. I was planning to start taking boxes over the week of Thanksgiving, but Don has informed me that I can not put anything into the house until we take possession of it. Bummer! There goes my plans for the week of Thanksgiving.
As I have (hopefully) matured through the years, I have learned a few hard lessons about myself. I have heard it said you really start to grow up when you can begin to see things about yourself that need improving. I know, for example, that I am impatient. I tend to get bored easily. I don’t enjoy staying on one thing for too long…I like to move along and do something else. This house building project has not moved along as fast as I would like. Isn’t that silly? I mean, of course it is going to take many months to build a house! Now, that I can see the end…I want it to be here yesterday! If everybody just stopped what ever else they were working on and concentrated on my house, all would be well. Since that is not gonna happen…I am just going to have to wait. Patiently. Or not.
I was really looking forward to decorating the Creek House for Christmas. I know just how I want it all to look…I have done it over and over in my head. But, because I am so mature now, I realize that it may just be foolish to try to get it decorated for the holidays. OOHHH! That is hard to say. But, it may be Christmas 2009 before I see it in its holiday finery. I had also planned to host our teacher’s luncheon for Christmas. But, this is not going to be doable, either. Another teacher has graciously offered her home…and I think that is best.
I mean, it’s not like I don’t have plenty to keep me busy… with the 3 programs at school, and my other responsibilities. Maybe this is even one of those times when God is giving me what I NEED instead of what I WANT. I tend to stress out quite easily these days, what with the ‘mental pause’ and the other everyday stresses. So, maybe, He knows I just couldn’t handle it all at once. So, I should just kick back…do what I CAN do…and WAIT until the time comes for me to do the rest. I should just rest in the bliss of knowing the day is coming soon when I can move into my dream house. I should be thankful that I am so much closer than I was at this time last year. I need to be peaceful and calm and serene as I wait for the go ahead to move. I need to “cool it” and “chill out” and “not get my panties in a wad”…….FAT CHANCE! I just need to get on with it!
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